
Missing for Six Years: Sacramento Woman’s Joyous Reunion with Long-Lost Cat

[Umberto Salvagnin, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons]

Cats, as we all know, have a mind of their own, but Jessica Kinsey from Sacramento, California, received an incredible surprise last weekend when she was reunited with her cat, Lily, that went missing six years before. 

When Kinsey adopted Lily as a kitten, she had always been an indoor-outdoor cat, but then one day, she didn’t return. 

“She would come and go for a couple days and always come back, and then she didn’t,” Kinsey told Local 2 Sacramento.

“Months missing turned into years… Jessica moved away but checked local shelters and social media posts of lost animals ever since.

‘I always hoped, if she is still alive I hope at least she is with someone who is treating her right,’ Kinsey said.

A stray cat was taken in Friday at the Sacramento SPCA it turns out it was Lily and thanks to the cat’s microchip registered to Jessica she got a call with the news she’s waited years for – her cat was alive.”

Jessica said, “It was just complete shock, they said, ‘Oh, have you been missing her?’ and I said, ‘Yeah, for almost six years.” Tears filled her eyes when she got to cuddle up with her best friend again.

“I’m like petting her, talking to her and I think, ‘Oh my gosh, it’s really Lilly, she still looks exactly the same.’” 

Lily and Jessica beat the odds. “The SPCA says happy endings like this are rare. Just 2% of the cats that come into their shelter are reunited with their owners. 

“It doesn’t happen often enough, so we are really encouraging everyone to microchip, microchip, microchip, it’s how we make those reunifications happen, and we love it when it does,” Jamie Larson, the director of animal services at the Sacramento SPCA told CBS

“The most important thing that Kinsey did was keep her contact information on Lily’s microchip updated every time it changed. Over the six-year span, she got a new phone number, a new address, and she updated the chip information each time — just in case.”

Lily got a quick checkup and is mostly fine. She had to have a little tumor removed from her foot, but she and Jessica got to spend the New Year together.

Maybe she should stay inside for a few more days in 2023.  

[Read More: Stolen 20 Years Ago, Rare Notebooks Returned To Library]


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  1. Thanks for showing proof of microchipping pets

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