What would you do if you looked out your back window and saw Kevin Bacon standing in your backyard? That’s what happened to one Wisconsin family and they decided to give him some Oreos.
Ok. It wasn’t that Kevin Bacon.
In Kenosha, Wisconsin, the Molgaard family heard rustling in the back of their house and stumbled across a hungry pig. WTMJ out of Milwaukee had the story of the gigantic guess who showed up in one Wisconsin family’s backyard.
“My wife comes in the room and says, ‘Jake I think there’s a pig on our driveway camera,’” Molgaard said. “I’m like, you serious?”
It was a friendly, 450-pound pig named “Kevin Bacon.”
The pig’s owner was out of town and was unaware his pig was missing. The pig squeezed his way out of the barn, walked up the road, and eventually showed up at the Molgaard’s back door.
The family contacted neighbors and alerted the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department. They walked him back home – a one-mile, 2 ½-hour adventure.
My wife started feeding him right away,” Molgaard said. “That’s what she does with every animal that comes to our backyard.”
Kevin gobbled down apples, rice cakes, tomatoes, and carrots while the family tried to figure out where he could have come from.
By a stroke of luck, explained The New York Post, “a good friend of the couple recognized Kevin instantly and connected the Molgaards with the owner — who was too far away to come retrieve the hog himself.
The owner asked the family if they could “lure” Kevin back to his property, a task that could be easily accomplished by offering the pig some of his favorite treats: cookies, marshmallows and other sweets.”
That’s where the Oreos came in. Aided by the vigilant Kenosha County sheriff’s office, Molgaard and his family created a cookie trail over a mile long that lured the big guy back home.
At a certain moment, Chloe Delaney, Molgaard’s daughter, was atop the pig.
“The owner said that if he stops on you, you can jump on his back and he likes to run at that point,” Molgaard told the local outlet. “And so my one daughter was daring enough to jump on his back.”
[Read More: New Species Discovered]