Firefighters in Phoenix recently rescued a family dog from a smoke-filled apartment, authorities said. As they rushed to save everyone inside, the room was filled with pitch-black smoke, but the local heroes of Engine 960 wouldn’t give up until all the lives inside were safe. That included a dog they found barely breathing.
KTAR reported, “After a thorough search, they found an unresponsive dog that firefighters then quickly removed from the apartment and started performing resuscitation efforts, according to a press release.
Firefighters from Phoenix stations 20 and 60 teamed up to deploy a “Fido Bag,” a life-saving tool that contain reusable oxygen masks that are specially designed to fit animals.
Fido Bags are supplied to local fire departments and professional K9 handlers from the Fetch Foundation, according to the release.
First responders on the scene then used a water bottle to cool the dog down while getting oxygen from the Fido Bag.
Fido Bags can also be used on smaller animals such as cats and rabbits and can also fit the muzzle of large dogs.”
According to the City of Phoenix, “Fido Bags are life-saving tools that are supplied to local fire departments and professional K9 Handlers from the Fetch Foundation.
First responders on the scene used bottles of water to cool down the dog as they used the oxygen from the Fido Bag to help resuscitate it.
As the dog laid on the sidewalk receiving treatment, the owners watched from a distance. After a few minutes the dog regained consciousness and began to wag its tail. Shortly after, the dog was happily reunited with its family.”
The Fetch Foundation is a 100-percent volunteer-driven charity “dedicated to saving lives in the animal and human communities through innovative strategies and unique programs that support, equip, and train first responders.” They provide life-saving tools like the Fido Bag to first responders and help save family pets trapped in fires.
Taylor Hochstedler discovered the organization at an event while visiting the area and expressed interest in receiving some for the city of Scottsdale’s fire department. According to local news, “The Fetch Foundation kindly delivered to her home to be sent to the station. Bags include life-saving tools for animals who were in house fires or other emergency situations including oxygen masks, water bowls, leashes, and other support supplies depending on the donation.
‘We’ve had a couple of those masks in the past and a couple of donated supplies,” said Goshen Fire Battalion Chief Shane Heeter. “More or less it contains a mask that we can use for pets. For instance, obviously, with a dog’s snout, it’s longer so we can hook up oxygen before we can get them to a vet and get treatment for them.’”
The Fetch Foundation believes that human life should be prioritized, but next in line are pet lives.”
I think we can all clap our hands, or paws, to that kind of work!
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[…] [Read More: Firefighters Have Fido Bags To Rescue Dogs And They’re Incredible!] […]
Need this for all FD nationwide, awesome